As a 501c3 nonprofit, our work depends on the generosity and support of people around the world. From our donors to the local chefs and guides who help us with our research, the preservation of the world’s culinary heritage is a community effort. Your support - whether as a volunteer, a guest at one of our dinners, or in some other capacity - is greatly appreciated.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Support with a Donation >
Join us for dinner and enjoy traditional recipes with indigenous ingredients

Join us For Dinner

Magical things happen when you gather good people around a dinner table with some delicious food. 

Our dinners are about community, connection, and supporting culinary traditions by physically enjoying them. 

We want people to connect not only with the recipes but with the people and stories behind the food.

Join us for dinner and help support our mission while also enjoy a world class meal prepared by our professional chefs and local culinary experts. 


Be Part Of an Expedition

To travel is to experience new realities and to understand the beautiful diversity of our world.

Each year our researchers conduct expeditions to study at-risk and vulnerable food cultures around the world.

To help preserve and promote a cuisine, we must join with and amplify the voices of the true experts - the local chefs, home cooks, farmers, and food producers.

Join us on an expedition and get a chance to dive deep into a new culture - from the kitchens of world class restaurants to the home’s of local cooks.

Sign up for an expedition and join us on our research trips around the world
Purchase a cookbook and help support our nonprofit research

Purchase a Cookbook

A recipe is not just a recipe - it holds the history, stories, and memories of the people who made and enjoyed it.

The recipes and culinary traditions we record must be shared to keep them alive and to ensure they are passed on to the next generation.

Each year we collect and publish a selection of recipes from our website into limited edition cookbooks.

Support our mission through the purchase of a cookbook and explore the world through a new cuisine in your own kitchen.